Apps made by Nicolo Stanciu

NFC & RFID for iPhone

NFC for iPhone is by far my most successful project that I made when NFC was introduced in iOS 11. Over 1 million people downloaded my app over the last 3 years which makes me very proud and happy. The App Store is a great place to reach many people around the planet. Check it out it's free: NFC & RFID for iPhone.

If you are a another developer and you want to open NFC for iPhone from your app feel free to use my URL scheme: nfcforiphone://

pr0gramm App

The pr0gramm app is an open source project that I made because I couldn't see the web interface anymore. The website has an open API and I decided to create an app. You can find the source code on GitHub. You can also join the open beta on TestFlight.

Spicker 2

Spicker was a project that came to my mind when I was at university. I hated memorizing things you never need in the future and at that time Apple Watch was released by Apple. So I thought: someone has to create an app that helps students in need. You can get it here: Spicker 2.